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The Tails Series

"The next insallment of the series, Tails Doomsday, is nearly done folks. Stay with us, because we have something huge that we think all the people who've played pretty much every classic and modern videogame will like."
About The Series

Where Did It All Start?

"Okay. So I'm going to dive into this with every single detail. Here's where this all started. First off, I loved Sonic the Hedgehog growing up, still do actually. I played a few of the games, like the first one, CD, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, and Generations. I will admit, I have not beaten any of the games yet. Anyways, in late 2019, I started watching Sonic X. I love the series a lot, but even to this day in 2021, I'm still not done. Probably halfway through Season 1, I started noticing something. Tails was always the second hand man, and I didn't really like that. Something needed to change. And that's where our story begins."

"So I am awful at animating, so I had to find an alternative. I was actually listening to an Audiobook when I was trying to find out what I could do, and it gave me this idea. I didn't really like how Audiobooks worked, and I wanted to fix that. I realized that if I could create a new type of Audiobook, it might become popular. So, I imagined the Tails Series being something like a movie with no video. It would just be a picture. This would be kind of clearer for people to imagine the scenes going down. And yeah, that's really how it started. And look at us now, in 2021. It's going great."

Voice Actors/Actresses

DarkBlade Plays
Plays Tails, Shadow, Mephiles, Sonic.exe
Plays ???
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All Other Actors/Actresses Anonymous

Tails Series Social Media/YouTube Playlists
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The Tails Series So Far

Tails Season One
Started June 15th, 2020, Ended June 18th, 2020
Tails Season Two
Started June 25th, Ended June 30th
Phase Two
Announcement Date December 20th 2021
Tails Chaos Eruption
Premiered on July 18th, 2020
Tails Doomsday
Premieres 2022-2023
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The Thing About the Series...

"Let me also explain what the actual is going on with the Tails Seires. I'm going to be completely honest when I say this: I have never had an actual plan in the series. I literally just throw things into the story hoping it makes a good episode. It seems to be working, but next year I really want to correct myself, and have a plan. Like I want to have an actual script at the ready, and then carry it out. The problem is, I don't know how long it will take to write the whole thing, and it could take too long. I guess we just gotta keep our heads up about it, and get it done."

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